sql - Oracle - Query to join fact table to bridge table and show bridge group rows in one row? - Database Administrators Stack Exchange

i have data warehouse one-to-many relationship:

"fact" table contains: product_group_id "product_bridge" table contains: product_group_id, product_id "product" table contains: product_id, product_name, other product attributes.. 

i've inserted data relevant tables, how can query database , retrieve products product group in 1 row result? i've never used bridge table before , not find decent/helpful examples online how query between bridge/fact/dimensions.

i.e. desired result like:

product_group_id product_id product_name product_id_1 product_name1 product_id_n product_name_n 

any suggestions appreciated.

based on example output can use listagg. basic query can add whatever other criteria is;

select distinct (p.product_group_id ||' '|| listagg(c.product_id||'  '||c.product_name, ' ')                                    within group(order p.product_group_id, c.product_id)                                    on (partition p.product_group_id))   product c        inner join        product_bride p on c.product_id = p.product_id 

if need more attributes product need concatenate them in listagg. haven't included join fact table can included if need it.


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